Sister Maria Amanda Diel - Emmanuel von Ketteler Province

On 24th May 2017 at 10 p.m., the Vigil of the ”Ascension of the Lord“, our dear Sister Maria Amanda Diel entered eternal life calmly and quietly.
On November 22nd, 1923, Maria Diel was born in Bechtolsheim, Mainz. As she said once her baptismal name accompanied her through her entire life. Mary was her patron saint and her model as expressed in her motto: “I am the handmaid of the Lord.“ Luke 1:37.
Through sisters of our community who served in her place of residence and through their life testimony she found her way into our congregation on February 2nd, 1949. Still in the same year, she was invested and she professed her first vows on September 8th, 1951 in Mainz and on 8th September 1956, she professed her final vows.
Sister Maria Amanda had a very colorful life. After her first vows on 8th September 1951, she served in Bingen - Büdesheim in the household. In 1953, she began training as a nurse in Hildegardis Hospital. After the exam she was sent to Heinsberg, where she served until 1958. From 1958 until 1967 she served many years which were rich in blessings in Rüsselsheim. From 1967-1968 she served in Mainz-Kastel; from 1968-1969 in Mainz-Mombach, and from 1969-1970 in Sulzheim, Gau-Bickelheim in outpatient care. From 1970-1978 she was transferred once more to Rüsselsheim. After the closing of the house, she served for many years in Klein-Winternheim. From 1981 on, she was superior in this convent, in addition to her professional activity. In 1990, she was willing to serve in our generalate house in Rome. In addition to her responsibility as convent superior she was in charge of many services in the house.
In 1992, after her return to the Motherhouse in Mainz she carried out the service as a sacristan with great zeal and accuracy. When her physical strength started to fail her, she had to leave this task to a younger sister. We thank Sister Maria Amanda Diel for her varied and faithful service for God and the people.
On August 7th, 2013, she moved to Aschaffenburg where she was cared for and looked after very lovingly and with much understanding by our nursing staff until the hour of her death. We thank everyone who looked after her physical and psychological well-being in the last years of her life and ask God to reward them everything.
Sister M. Amanda was a very introverted person who sometimes was mystifying to those in her surroundings. We pray God will hold her safe in his great love.
Funeral: at the Altstadt-cemetery in Aschaffenburg
Afterwards Eucharistic celebration in the chapel of the convent/Clemensheim.
With silent greetings,
Sr. Clementine Fritscher
Provincial Superior