Laudato Si': Chapter Three

The Ketteler Legacy for Justice Committee of the Marie de la Roche Province would like to invite you to READ, REFLECT and ACT with this month's reflection on the third chapter of Laudato Si' by Pope Francis.

Laudato Si': Chapter Four

The Ketteler Legacy for Justice Committee of the Marie de la Roche Province would like to invite you to READ, REFLECT and ACT with this month's reflection on the fourth chapter of Laudato Si' by Pope Francis.

Laudato Si': Chapter Five

The Ketteler Legacy for Justice Committee of the Marie de la Roche Province would like to invite you to READ, REFLECT and ACT with this month's reflection on the fifth chapter of Laudato Si' by Pope Francis.

Laudato Si': Chapter Six

The Ketteler Legacy for Justice Committee of the Marie de la Roche Province would like to invite you to READ, REFLECT and ACT with this month's reflection on the sixth chapter of Laudato Si' by Pope Francis.

Bridges of Providence

Bridges of Providence is sponsored by the Ketteler Justice and Legacy Committee of the Sisters of Divine Providence; it seeks the participation of all the sisters and associates of our congregation. This project was generated to look for new, current ways of ministering to those in need. We work in partnership with other congregations and lay people called to service in different countries, especially those considered third-world countries.

Countries presently included in this ministry, in collaboration with the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, who operate entrepreneurship projects for women:

  • El Salvador - Sister Joselin Alvarado 
  • Guatemala -  Sister Sara Galindo 
  • Honduras  - Sister Marta Iris Lopez 
  • Mexico – Sister Graciela Medina Hernandez
  • Nicaragua – Sister Candida Rosa Garcia
  • Peru – Sister Olga Soldevilla Ureta
  • Costa Rica – Sister Nelly Ortega Espinal
  • Angola – Sister Marcelina Manuel Domingos de Nacimento

In collaboration with:

  • Institute Id of Christ the Redemer Idente Missionaries 
    Peru – Sister Maria Burgos Machuca
  • Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
    Peru – Sister Magna Castillo
  • Oblate Sisters of the Holy Redeemer 
    The Dominican Republic – Sister Angelica Segoviano

When these women are ready to start a small business that generates an income to improve their quality of life, they receive financial support with which they acquire the supplies and equipment necessary for their undertaking. The support provided is $200 to $400, depending on what they need to start their small business. This does not exclude being able to help men who really need and show a desire to go forward.

Bridges of Providence is expanding its collaboration in these countries by supporting young people who do not have the resources to study. They are helped by paying tuition and study materials for one year.

Another support that is being provided is psychological support for women and young people. Bridges of Providence pays for 10 sessions with a psychologist recommended by the sisters in these different countries.

By providing these services, Bridges of Providence is trying to address the whole dimension of a human being; education, the emotional, psychological, and entrepreneurship skills of the person, thus helping to improve their quality of life. 

The Sisters and Associates of our congregation are periodically informed about the support that is provided through this ministry in the different countries. Videos are prepared and published below.

You are invited to become a "partner" in this new ministry! HOW?

  • First with your prayers and moral support
  • Second by asking family and friends for monetary gifts, no matter the amount
  • Buying or helping to prepare the cookies (alfajores), cheesecakes, and roasted peanuts that are sold periodically
  • Donating online at
    Select the donation amount
    Select  "Yes" for Restricted Gift
    Type "Bridges of Providence" in the designation field
    Enter name and billing information
    Click "Submit"

The Spirit and the Charism of the Sisters of Divine Providence have shepherded these experiences. In cooperation with the Sisters of the Congregations mentioned above and lay people, we trust and are open to God’s Providence making God's face visible to the world.

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Migrants and Refugees Program

The Ketteler Legacy for Justice Committee is an ongoing working committee of the Sisters of Divine Providence of the Marie de la Roche Province. We invite you to prayerfully experience these informative and prayerful materials that address the plight of millions of our brothers and sisters around the world who are searching for what we may take for granted: a safe, secure home and place to raise a family without the fear of being oppressed, or taken into slavery or even killed.

PDF icon CLICK HERE to download the materials421.91 KB
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Plastics Pollution Presentation

The Ketteler Legacy for Justice Committee is an ongoing working committee of the Sisters of Divine Providence of the Marie de la Roche Province. We invite you to prayerfully experience this informative and prayerful presentation on plastic waste and its adverse effect on the environment.