Mission Advancement
To Light Through Love
By making a financial gift to support the ministries and mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence, you join us in bringing the Christ Child to birth every day. For contributions, please visit cdpsisters.org/support-us. Thank you for your support and work to co-create a world of compassion, justice and peace. We ask that you keep us in your prayers, as we will you.
Providence Alive! Winter 2020
We are happy to share our Winter 2020 newsletter. In this issue, we are challenged to leave our comfort zone and go to the peripheries—places where people are wounded, perhaps feeling that their lives have no meaning or value—to find abundant grace. Also included is a Ministry Spotlight on Sister Josephine Macias, CDP and her opportunity to serve at Casa Alitas—a hospitality center serving newly arrived migrant families in Tucson, Arizona—and an Alumni Spotlight on Divine Providence Academy—a boarding and day school founded by the Sisters of Divine Providence that educated girls for 79 years and still has an active alumnae association.
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support of our ministries and mission.
CLICK HERE to download the newsletter.
DONATE TODAY in support of the Sisters' ministries and mission.
To Light Through Love 2024
We invite you to join in our liturgies at Visitation Chapel or via livestream: video.ibm.com/channel/Q4zW6rUvwPq
Christmas Eve | 7:30 p.m. preceded by carols at 7 p.m.
Christmas Day | 11 a.m.
Feast of the Holy Family | December 29 | 9 a.m.
New Year’s Day | 11 a.m.
Feast of the Epiphany (celebration of Women's Christmas) at Weekly Sunday Mass | 9 a.m.
We welcome you to pray with us during Advent (December 1-24, 2024) by visiting our interactive blog:
By making a financial gift to the Sisters of Divine Providence, you join us in bringing the light of God’s providence to dark places. Visit cdpsisters.org/donate to make your secure donation online.
2017 Providence Reflections
As Sisters and Associates of Divine Providence, we know we are blessed by God’s indiscriminate graciousness, we live in the abundance of God’s loving providence and we are strengthened by the bonds of inclusive community. These realities compel us to commit ourselves to cherish our intercultural and international ties; strive for right relationships with all; live and promote every form of non-violence; courageously risk being marginalized; and generously share, even in the midst of scarcity.
This Vision is also embraced by each of our ministries, which share the Providence of God with students, struggling families, abused and forgotten children, the homeless, documented refugees and those seeking spiritual renewal and, because of the needs of the times, have become places of radical hospitality—welcoming, generous and inclusive.
In our 2017 Providence Reflections, La Roche College President Sister Candace Introcaso, CDP, explores radical hospitality. We are happy to share her thoughts with you and invite you, as our faithful supporter and partner in mission, to model this openness and desire to love the stranger.
We, the Sisters of Divine Providence, thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support. We are keenly aware that no matter where, when, or how we minister, we never do so alone.
Providence Alive! Fall 2020
We are happy to share our Fall 2020 newsletter. In this issue, we are reminded of a Providential and abiding Presence in these troubling times of COVID-19, violence and racism. Also included are our 2020 Jubilarians, who celebrate 1,245 combined years of ministry to God's people; the 2020 Ketteler Award for Social Justice recipient, Rev. James Martin, S.J.; and an article from our archives about the 1918 influenza pandemic.
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support of our ministries and mission.
CLICK HERE to download the newsletter.
DONATE TODAY in support of the Sisters' ministries and mission.
Our Mission at Work in 2024
We look back on 2024 with wonder on all we experienced, with gratitude for all we sustained, and with hope for all that the future promises.
As Sisters of Divine Providence, we continue to commit ourselves to creating a world of compassion, justice and peace.
Thank you for considering a year-end gift today.
Providence Alive! Spring/Summer 2017
We are pleased to share our Spring/Summer 2017 magazine. In this issue, we focus on radical hospitality. Radical hospitality—values of diversity and inclusion that can transform lives—has roots in the foundation and is embedded in the mission of all ministries of the Sisters of Divine Providence. By modeling radical hospitality, we all can be enriched by the thoughts and talents each of us has been so generously given by our Provident God.
Additional highlights in this issue:
- Sustaining Our Mission
The illumination from the St. John’s Bible provides a visual commentary on the Woman at the Pharisee’s House
- Spotlight on Ministry
Providence Heights Alpha School has been helping students achieve new heights of excellence since 1926
- Province Happenings
News from around the Province
- In Memory
Remembering the Provident Women who live forever in our hearts
Thank you for your continued support of the ministries and mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence.
To Light Through Love
For many years, the Sisters of Divine Providence have marked the Advent season with white lights in our windows recalling the Gospel words: "The light shines in the darkness." The candles signify our promise of hospitality to all who come to our doors. This year, when the bleak pandemic seems to have changed everything, our candlelight has changed, too—from the quietness of white to the uplifting vibrancy of primary colors. After many months of change and challenge, Advent 2020 is a season to look to with wonder on all that we have experienced, with gratitude on all that we have survived and, most importantly, with hope on all that the future promises. While we regret the doors of our chapels and homes must remain closed for a while longer, we hope our joyful multicolored lights will reassure you that our hearts and our prayers still fervently embrace all the broken and dark spaces in our lives and in our world.
By making a financial gift to the Sisters of Divine Providence in support of our ministries, you join us in bringing the light of God’s providence to dark places. To make your contribution, please visit cdpsisters.org/donate.
We invite you to join in prayer with our Sisters, Associates and all of our partners in Mission at our interactive blog: cdpsisters.wordpress.com.
To Light Through Love 2022
We welcome you to pray with us during Advent (November 27 - December 24, 2022) by visiting our interactive blog: cdpsisters.wordpress.com
By making a financial gift to the Sisters of Divine Providence, you join us in bringing the light of God’s providence to dark places. Visit cdpsisters.org/donate to make your secure donation online.
2014 Annual Report
Because of your generous support, faithfulness, and partnership with the Sisters of Divine Providence, we are able to continue our mission of co-creating a world of compassion, justice, and peace. Your continued kindness and charity enables us to respond to the needs of today and to advance our commitment of making God’s Providence more visible in our world.
Providence Alive! Fall 2017
We are pleased to share our Fall 2017 newsletter. In this issue, we focus on our 2017 Jubilarians, who collectively celebrate 1,470 years of co-creating a world of compassion, justice and peace.
Additional highlights in this issue:
- 2017 Ketteler Award for Social Justice
Dr. Zane H. Gates and Jane Kerr were honored for their strong commitment to social justice
- Spotlight on Ministry
Providence Connections serves more than 350 Pittsburgh-area families and 400 children through a wide range of programs and services
- Province Happenings
News from around the Province
- In Memory
Remembering the Provident Women who live forever in our hearts
Thank you for your continued support of the ministries and mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence.
Providence Alive! Winter 2021
We are happy to share our Winter 2021 newsletter. In this issue, we make a stand, along with Associates and more than 1,300 leaders of Catholic Sisters throughout the United States, to repair our democracy. Also included is our challenge to end hunger and our timeless message of Christmas.
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support of our ministries and mission.
Download the newsletter below.
DONATE TODAY in support of the Sisters' ministries and mission.
Providence Alive! Spring 2014
"Becoming a Woman of Providence," the feature article, explains terms like formation, incorporation, discernment, and novitiate, and the process by which a woman first explores whether she is called to religious life and the subsequent journey she undertakes on her way to becoming a vowed religious.
Other articles included in this issue:
- "National Catholic Sisters Week" - Sisters Karina Conrad and Elena Almendárez accompany La Roche College students Sydney Harsh and Stephanie Wizorek to the inaugural weekend celebration
- "Remembering with Sister Myra Rodgers and Ken Danchik ..." - Sister Myra and former student Ken take a stroll down memory lane
- "Giving Back to the Community" - Sister Karina Conrad and several La Roche College students volunteer their time at Repurposed, a thrift store started by Living in Liberty, an anti-human trafficking organization that works to provide aftercare for women and children rescued from the commercial sex industry
- "Celebrating the Centenarians" - Sisters Victorine Verosky and Dolores Elizabeth Werling turn 100!
- "Website Redesign" - Visit our new website at cdpsisters.org and tell us what you think!
- "Make the Impossible Possible" - Sister Roberta Grzelak and others make God's Providence visible every day and remind us how the Sisters of Divine Providence make the impossible possible!
To Light Through Love
Since 1851, the Sisters of Divine Providence have drawn strength from the example of the congregation’s co-founder, Mother Marie de la Roche. Through many difficulties, Mother Marie was unwavering in her trust and confidence in the ways of our Provident God. Among her most inspirational writings are the words, “The darkest paths lead to light through love and grace.” As we celebrate the Advent and Christmas seasons, may these words be your inspiration and your encouragement.
By making a financial gift to support the ministries of the Sisters of Divine Providence, you join us in bringing the light of God’s Providence to dark places. For contributions, please visit cdpsisters.org/support-us. Thank you for your support and collaboration with us to co-create a world of compassion, justice and peace.
Providence Alive! Summer 2021
We are happy to share our Summer 2021 newsletter. In this issue, we recall the May 30, 1926, blessing ceremony of the three bells at Providence Heights and its meaning for us today. Also included are our 2021 Jubilarians and a feature on Sr. Karina Conrad's ministry as a mental health counselor.
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support of our ministries and mission.
Download the newsletter below.
DONATE TODAY in support of the Sisters' ministries and mission.
Providence Alive! Winter 2018
We are happy to share our Winter 2018 newsletter. In this issue, we highlight the personal stories of our Sisters in Puerto Rico as they experienced the devastation of Hurricane Maria, their struggle to live in the storm’s aftermath and their hope for recovery.
Thank you for your continued financial and prayerful support of our ministries and mission.
For additional stories and photos about our Sisters in Puerto Rico, visit cdpsisters.org/PuertoRico.
To Light Through Love 2021
As we prepare for the coming of Jesus during Advent, we will keep candles in our windows through January 6, 2022, and we invite you to do the same. As we see those candles—their tiny flames somehow softening the world’s harsh realities—we are grateful. Grateful for you and for so many Providence people who are light in the darkness. Not only at Christmas, but day after day and year after year. You are proof that a candle in the window of a Providence Person is a promise of a warm and loving welcome. You are proof that a candle in the window of a Providence Person is a promise of light shining in darkness. Our broken world waits in darkness for light—the Light that is You!
We invite you to pray with us during Advent (November 28 - December 24, 2021) by visiting our interactive blog: https://cdpsisters.wordpress.com/
By making a financial gift to the Sisters of Divine Providence, you join us in bringing the light of God’s providence to dark places. Thank you for using the enclosed envelope to mail your donation or visit https://cdpsisters.org/donate to make your secure donation online.
Providence Alive! Fall 2014
“Celebrating Consecrated Life: Fifty Years after Vatican Council II” discusses the commitment of women and men religious to renewal and adaptations in responding to the needs of a global society.
Also in this issue:
- “Say Yes!“ – Through her more than 60 years of ministry, Sister Emma Jean Middendorf has embraced change
- The community welcomes Sister Wendolyn on the profession of her perpetual vows
- Simone Campbell, SSS, known for her cross country “Nuns on the Bus” tours, receives the Ketteler Award for Social Justice
- Province Happenings
- Annual Assembly
- 2014 Jubilarians
2018 Providence Reflections
In our 2018 Providence Reflections, Provincial Director Sister Michele Bisbey, CDP tells the story of the late Sister Laurine Graff, CDP and her incredible legacy that continues to make God’s Providence a reality to more people than she could have ever imagined. We are happy to share Sister Michele's words with you and invite you, as our faithful supporter and partner in mission, to be the kind of legacy which the Sisters and Associates of Divine Providence strive to leave in our world as we commit ourselves daily to making God’s Providence visible.
We, the Sisters of Divine Providence, thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support. We are keenly aware that no matter where, when, or how we minister, we never do so alone.
Our Mission at Work in 2021
Days of Remembrance & Thanksgiving mark special time to commemorate Sisters, Associates
As in years past, we marked the days of November as a special time for remembering and thanksgiving. Regretfully, it was necessary to alter our plans for the annual Mass of Remembrance at Providence Heights as we continued to contend with Covid-19 and the uncertainty of gathering with family and friends. As an alternative, all Sisters, Associates, employees, friends and partners in mission were invited to join with the Sisters, via livestream from our Mother of Divine Providence Chapel, as we remembered those Sisters and Associates who died during this global pandemic. Each Sister who died during this time was remembered on a designated day in November at the daily weekday liturgy. Following the evening meal on each designated day, the Sister’s memorial letter was read and storytelling about the Sister was shared.
New ministry advocates for women entrepreneurs in underdeveloped countries
Bridges of Providence, a ministry developed to financially support entrepreneurship projects of poor women in underdeveloped countries, was realized in 2021. Sponsored by the Sisters of Divine Providence Ketteler for Justice Committee and the community’s Associates under the direction of Sr. Bertshabe Palomino-Montalvo, this ministry assists women who want to improve the quality of life for themselves and their families by generating income through starting their own small businesses. CLICK HERE to read more about our families.
Sisters hold groundbreaking for new residential, healthcare facility
On Sunday, August 1, 2021, as the Bells of Providence Heights rung out, the Sisters of Divine Providence held a groundbreaking ceremony to officially kick off their new building project. Named "The Commons at Providence Heights," it will be a place of hospitality, inclusivity, creating and celebrating community. The name acknowledges that all we have comes from our Provident God and is to be held in common. Situating "The Commons" at Providence Heights honors the original name of the whole property and preserves the legacy of the Sisters of Divine Providence. The new three-story residential and healthcare facility will offer up-to-date care for the current and future health needs of the Sisters. The building will consist of a mix of healthcare rooms, private independent rooms and one- and two-bedroom apartments. Site amenities will include an outdoor dining terrace, community garden, healthcare garden and walking paths that connect to the rest of the campus. Construction is scheduled to be complete in September 2022. The first tree planted at The Commons was a McIntosh apple tree, in recognition of the apple trees that flourished on the property from its earliest days. Joining Sisters, Associates and employees at the ceremony were representatives from Derck & Edson--the project's planning and design firm--and Warfel--the project's construction company.
As Sisters of Divine Providence, we continue to commit ourselves to creating a world of compassion, justice and peace. Thank you for considering a year-end gift today.
Providence Alive! Spring 2015
We are pleased to share our Spring 2015 Providence Alive! newsletter. In this issue, the article “Celebrating Consecrated Life: Mission & Service" discusses the unique and wonderful celebration of women and men religious who have consecrated their lives to the God who called them to service and Mission.
Also in this issue:
- Mission Without Borders
As an international congregation, the Sisters of Divine Providence embrace living and ministering across cultural boundaries - Investments Working for the Common Good
The Sisters’ socially responsible investment policies support human life, human rights and environmental stewardship - Pre-Novitiate Candidate Accepted
The Provincial Leadership Team approves Kellee Fletcher for entrance - Providence Villa: Closing Its Chapter
The retreat center is closing its chapter on the property's storied history - Province Happenings
News from around the Province - In Memory
Remembering the Provident Women who live forever in our hearts
Thank you for your continued support of the ministries and mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence.
Providence Alive! Spring/Summer 2018
We are happy to share with you our Spring/Summer 2018 newsletter. In this issue, we highlight our Sisters' commitment to making God's Providence visible through our advocacy and presence while advancing peace and justice:
- Marching for Social Justice
- Responding to the Call
- Serving in Retirement
- Dedicating to Apostolic Ministry
Also included are our regular Providence on the Periphery and AfterWords columns.
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support of our ministries and mission.
Providence Alive! Summer 2022
We are happy to share our Summer 2022 newsletter. In this issue, Sister Michele Bisbey shares how she is emerging from what her family in Ireland refers to as "pandemic cocooning." Also included are our 2022 Jubilarians and a feature on our Bridges of Providence ministry.
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support of our ministries and mission.
Download the newsletter below.
DONATE TODAY in support of the Sisters' ministries and mission.
2015 Providence Reflections
“The charism of providence is the light that guides, conforms, and gives meaning to my life as a Sister. My life’s journey, my mission, and ministry have been encompassed by this gift of trust and confidence. Providence is the energy that urges me to give myself in service, in whatever ministry to which I am called.” Inesita Vélez Negron, CDP
As the Sisters of Divine Providence welcome spring after this particularly hard winter, we are pleased to share with you our 2015 Providence Reflections, written by Sister Inesita Vélez Negron.
Sister Inesita exemplifies our congregation’s multi-cultural legacy, a legacy which began when six German Sisters immigrated to the United State in 1876 to spread the gospel and minister to immigrants seeking a better life. This rich legacy continues today and is carried forward by all of our Sisters as they minister to diverse populations throughout the United States and the Caribbean.
Self-described as loving life, creative and open-minded, Sister Inesita entered religious life from San Miguel parish in Utado, Puerto Rico. She credits the Sisters of Divine Providence who taught her in elementary and high school with influencing her decision to become a Sister. Following her ministries as regional director for our community in Puerto Rico, and as a congregational leader in Rome, Italy and in Providence, Rhode Island, Sister Inesita currently works in San Juan, Puerto Rico, conducting research on suicide prevention.
Providence Alive! Fall 2018
We are happy to share our Fall 2018 newsletter. In this issue, we highlight our call and commitment to be generous to those in need. Thank you for joining us in making our Provident God more visible in our world.
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support of our ministries and mission.
CLICK HERE to download the newsletter.
DONATE TODAY in support of the Sisters' ministries and mission.
Providence Alive! Fall 2015
We are pleased to share our Fall 2015 Providence Alive! magazine. In this issue, we highlight the 2015 Assembly—themed Charism-Community-Connectivity. Sisters of Divine Providence and Associates from Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Kingston, Puerto Rico and Santo Domingo came together for four days to listen, reflect and share with one another and create a new path for their future and for those whom they are called to serve.
Also in this issue:
- Jubilarians
Sisters marking milestones in their religious life
- Ketteler Award for Social Justice
Beth Davies, CND, an advocate and activist on behalf of the impoverished, addicted and exploited in the heart of Appalachia, is this year's recipient
- Life Commitment
Sister Bertshabé Palomino Montalvo openly shares her personal experience in the 10-day program
- Spotlight on Ministry
Room at the Inn is one of only three emergency shelter providers in the St. Louis County Continuum of Care and helps more than 200 people each year
- Province Happenings
News from around the Province
- In Memory
Remembering the Provident Women who live forever in our hearts
Thank you for your continued support of the ministries and mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence.
To Light Through Love
Since 1851, the Sisters of Divine Providence have drawn strength from the example of the congregation’s co-founder, Mother Marie de la Roche. Through many difficulties, Mother Marie was unwavering in her trust and confidence in the ways of our Provident God. Among her most inspirational writings are the words, “The darkest paths lead to light through love and grace.” As we celebrate the Advent and Christmas seasons, may these words be your inspiration and encouragement.
By making a financial gift to support our ministries, you join us in bringing the light of God’s Providence to dark places. For contributions, please visit cdpsisters.org/support-us.
We invite you to pray with us during Advent (December 2-24, 2018) by visiting our interactive blog: cdpsisters.wordpress.com.
Our Mission at Work in 2022
Sisters Move to New Residence
After years of planning, designing, constructing, downsizing and, finally, packing, more than 70 of our Sisters moved from our iconic Motherhouse—our home for 95 years—to a new residence also located on our grounds at Providence Heights. Throughout days, weeks and months of transition, we constantly reminded ourselves of God’s providential care for us, frequently singing the mantra “all is gift, all is grace.” Named The Commons at Providence Heights, our new home is intended to be a place of hospitality and inclusivity, where community is created, fostered and celebrated. The name acknowledges our firm belief that everything we have comes to us as an unmerited gift from our Provident God; everything we have is enough; and everything we have is for the common good.
Ministry Reopens After Two-Year Closure
Kearns Spirituality Center, our ministry that provides a space for spiritual nourishment and retreats, reopened this year after a two-year closure due to the pandemic. Kearns is currently working with Providence Spiritual Outreach (PROSO), a volunteer ministry offered by our Sisters and Associates in conjunction with the Sisters and Associates of the Congregation of Divine Providence of Texas. PROSO offers retreats, conversation groups, workshops and spiritual direction. Kearns is also a site for new programs through a collaboration with La Roche University’s Adventures in Lifelong Learning, a membership-based program for adults 50 and better who want to continue learning while expanding their social networks through shared intellectual experiences. To learn more about programs including spiritual direction, retreats, prayer, use of facilities and the Ruah School of Spiritual Direction training, visit cdpsisters.org/kearns, call 412.366.1124 or email kearns@cdpsisters.org.
Congregation Announces New Leadership Teams
The 2022-2027 Leadership Teams were elected during the Congregation’s 24th Congregational Chapter held July 11-24 in St. Louis and during the Marie de la Roche Province's 5th Provincial Chapter held July 31-August 5. Sister Barbara McMullen of the Marie de la Roche Province (U.S.-Caribbean) was elected as Congregational Leader, and Sisters Mary Francis Fletcher (Marie de la Roche Province/U.S.-Caribbean), Rosa Eunsoon Kim (St. Joseph Province/Korea) and Sister Maria Youngmi Kim (St. Joseph Province/Korea) were elected as the Congregational Team. Sister Michele Bisbey was elected as Provincial Leader, and Sisters Bertshabe Palomino Montalvo, Judith Connor and Veronica Gumja Kim were elected as the Provincial Team. Held every five years, Chapter is a time of discernment and prayer as the Community plans for the future.
Sister Sculpting Art for Stations of the Cross Walkway
Sister Benedicta Ha, CDP, an artist and teacher, is sharing her expert talents to design sculptures for the Stations of the Cross Walkway located outside of The Commons at Providence Heights. A unique sculpture will be created for each station of the cross, including the 15th station—the Resurrection of Christ. In addition to Sister Benedicta’s art, the walkway will include space for devotion and prayer from station to station, commemorating Jesus’ passion and death on the cross. The Stations of the Cross Walkway is expected to be completed in Spring 2023. To read more about Sister Benedicta and view some of her artwork—which brings together Asian, European and U.S. influences and, for her, is like meditation or prayer and an opportunity for reflection—visit hawaii.youview360.com/the-way-of-the-cross.
Ministry advocates for women entrepreneurs in underdeveloped countries
Bridges of Providence, a ministry developed to financially support entrepreneurship projects of poor women in underdeveloped countries, was realized in 2021. Sponsored by the Sisters of Divine Providence Ketteler for Justice Committee and the community’s Associates under the direction of Sr. Bertshabe Palomino-Montalvo, this ministry assists women who want to improve the quality of life for themselves and their families by generating income through starting their own small businesses. This past year, through the generosity of our donors and friends, Bridges of Providence provided over $19,000 in support to twenty-five women entrepreneurs in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Peru. Visit cdpsisters.org/BridgesOfProvidence to read more about our families.
As Sisters of Divine Providence, we continue to commit ourselves to creating a world of compassion, justice and peace. Thank you for considering a year-end gift today.
Providence Alive! Winter 2016
We are pleased to share our Winter 2016 magazine. In this issue, we highlight Health and Wellness. The Sisters of Divine Providence have for several years brought attention to the personal responsibility that each person has for her own health. They have endorsed and supported the need for mind, body, spirit balance in their members, employees and wherever they minister as part of their commitment to living healthy lifestyles.
Additional highlights in this issue:
- Psychology in the Lives of Women Religious
An excerpt from an article by Sister Maria Clara Kreis, CDP, Ph.D., in Psychology International
- In Appreciation of You
We thank our benefactors who contributed financial gifts this past year, and our friends who participated with our special events
- Spotlight on Ministry
La Posada Providencia is a 24/7 emergency shelter that has assisted more than 8,000 people from over 70 countries since 1989
- Province Happenings
News from around the Province
- In Memory
Remembering the Provident Women who live forever in our hearts
Thank you for your continued support of the ministries and mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence.
2019 Providence Reflections
In our 2019 Providence Reflections, Provincial Director Sister Michele Bisbey, CDP writes about loving well—with our whole hearts, our whole souls and our whole minds—by letting go. We are happy to share Sister Michele's words with you this Lenten season and pray that God’s abundant grace will embolden you to let go, to love anew... wherever that might lead you.
We, the Sisters of Divine Providence, thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support. We are keenly aware that no matter where, when, or how we minister, we never do so alone.
2016 Providence Reflections
“Let us continue together to lovingly gaze on God’s people, so that this ‘Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace leading us forward with renewed enthusiasm.’” —Sister Claudia Ward, CDP
As the Sisters of Divine Providence welcome spring, we are pleased to share with you our 2016 Providence Reflections. Written by Sister Claudia Ward, she reflects on this extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Seeing the great need for mercy and healing in the world, Pope Francis called for the Year of Mercy—a special period, also known as a Holy Year of Jubilee, to be celebrated from December 8, 2015 through November 20, 2016. It is a time to focus on forgiveness and healing and to be a witness of mercy by reflecting on mercy, receiving mercy and being merciful toward others. The Year of Mercy is an invitation to show love, kindness and generosity. It is an opportunity to transform our lives, relationships, work and ability to embrace and experience all of life. During this Year of Mercy, we are called to grow spiritually, to strengthen our faith, to encourage works of service and to promote unity within the Catholic Church and all of society. As we call on God to have mercy, we show mercy to others by responding as God responds—with compassion.
We thank you, our donor and partner, for accompanying us on our journey during this special year. Always grateful for your faithful generosity, we ask for your continued financial support of the Sisters’ ministries and mission. Every gift, large or small, is a blessing.
Providence Alive! Winter 2019
We are happy to share our Winter 2019 newsletter. In this issue, Sisters Michele Bisbey and Mary Ellen Rufft provide insight into how they are affected by and processing the abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support of our ministries and mission.
CLICK HERE to download the newsletter.
DONATE TODAY in support of the Sisters' ministries and mission.
Providence Alive! Spring/Summer 2016
We are pleased to share our Spring/Summer 2016 magazine. In this issue, we highlight the Sisters of Divine Providence Associates. The Associates are a diverse group—varying in lifestyle, occupation, religious tradition and marital status—finding a deeper connection with God and others by participating in the life of the Congregation through their involvement in prayer, study, ministry and activities as it suits their personal schedules and capabilities.
Additional highlights in this issue:
- Spotlight on Ministry
Kearns Spirituality Center is an active retreat and conference center sponsored by the Sisters of Divine Providence
- Province Happenings
News from around the Province
- In Memory
Remembering the Provident Women who live forever in our hearts
Thank you for your continued support of the ministries and mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence.
Providence Alive! Spring/Summer 2019
We are happy to share our Spring/Summer 2019 newsletter. In this issue, we focus on choosing to love those who have very different backgrounds from our own by nurturing our capacity to be empathetic. Also included are our Sister Jubilarians who celebrate 2,225 combined years of ministry in 2019.
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support of our ministries and mission.
CLICK HERE to download the newsletter.
DONATE TODAY in support of the Sisters' ministries and mission.
To Light Through Love 2023
We welcome you to pray with us during Advent (December 3-24, 2023) by visiting our interactive blog: cdpsisters.wordpress.com
By making a financial gift to the Sisters of Divine Providence, you join us in bringing the light of God’s providence to dark places. Visit cdpsisters.org/donate to make your secure donation online.
Providence Alive! Fall 2019
We are happy to share our Fall 2019 newsletter. This issue aims to foster a greater understanding of the value of a comforting presence, a caring touch. It can heal the heart, creating space within for the visible proof of God’s Providence. Also included is the 2019 La Roche University Woman of Providence and the 2019 Ketteler Award for Social Justice.
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support of our ministries and mission.
CLICK HERE to download the newsletter.
DONATE TODAY in support of the Sisters' ministries and mission.
Our Mission at Work in 2023
We look back on 2023 with wonder on all we experienced, with gratitude for all we sustained, and with hope for all that the future promises.
As Sisters of Divine Providence, we continue to commit ourselves to creating a world of compassion, justice and peace.
Thank you for considering a year-end gift today.
Sister of Divine Providence to be honored for military service
Pittsburgh – October 7, 2019 – State Rep. Sara Innamorato, D-Lawrenceville, will honor Army Veteran Sister Melanie Kambic, CDP on November 11 for her service.
Sisters and friends will gather on Veterans Day for a "Patriotic Social" at Providence Heights in Allison Park, Pennsylvania, from 2-3:30 p.m., where Innamorato will present Sister Melanie, 98, with a citation from the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives.
After graduating from the Braddock Hospital School of Nursing in 1944, Sister Melanie joined the Army Nurse Corps. and served for three years. It was during this time that thoughts of a religious vocation began to re-surface from her teenage years. Although she tried to outrun those feelings, she said, "'The Hound of Heaven' pursued me." When she returned home, she met the late Rev. William Cheetham at St. Anselm’s parish, who became her greatest influence in deciding to become a Sister.
Providence Alive! Fall 2016
We are pleased to share our Fall 2016 magazine. In this issue, we highlight the 2016 General and Provincial Chapters. A “Chapter” in a religious community is the highest decision-making body of the community. It is a time of discernment and prayer as the community plans for its future.
Additional highlights in this issue:
- 2016 Jubilarians
This year, 36 Sisters mark milestones in their religious life
- Spotlight on Ministry
Sacred Heart was founded in 1947 by the Sisters of Divine Providence as a private, Catholic, coeducational school
- Province Happenings
News from around the Province
- In Memory
Remembering the Provident Women who live forever in our hearts
Thank you for your continued support of the ministries and mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence.
To Light Through Love
We all know of instances when darkness has been diminished, when hurts have been healed, when pain has been alleviated and when the human spirit has shone with compassion and inclusivity. Through his gospel, St. John wants us to understand that light does not obliterate the darkness… it’s simply there to provide a steady, albeit flickering, constant and faithful presence. This is the same message of the incarnation, the birth of Jesus. Emmanuel—“God with Us”—enters into the darkness to sit alongside us as a Providential advocate, a Providential presence. In that humble, holy and luminous action, we find hope. By making a financial gift to the Sisters of Divine Providence in support of our ministries, you join us in bringing the light of God’s providence to dark places. To make your contribution, please visit cdpsisters.org/support-us.
We invite you to join in prayer with our Sisters, Associates and all of our partners in Mission at our interactive blog: cdpsisters.wordpress.com.